Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekend Update with Mrs. Miller

I won a blogging award! Here are the deets on the Liebster Blog Award:

  • Choose five up and coming blogs to give the Liebster award to.  Blogs must have less than 200 followers
  • Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  • Post the award on your blog. 
  • Don't leave your recipients in the dark! List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites.  Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know. 
  • Share 5 random facts about yourself!

  • So, THANK YOU to another Kristin who spells her name JUST RIGHT! I've loved reading your blog, and I feel so extra special that you would think of me for this award! 

    Here are the up and coming bloggers you should DEFINITELY check out that I pass the Liebster Blog Award baton to:

    1. San Juan Runner Girl at Running is my Diet
    4. Samantha at Check My Pulse
    5. Stephanie at Epicurious Runner

    5 Random Facts, Weekend Update Style:

    1. I woke up at 4:30am Saturday to stand in line for stand by SNL tickets. We thought Lambeau would bring good luck..

    2. We didn't get in on stand by. We DID, however, spot John Legend and have a moment where we said hey and waved. Best friends now. Nice seeing ya, John.

    3. I used to watch SNL every Saturday night while babysitting. My favorites were the Spartan Cheerleaders, Mango, and Mary Katherine Gallagher, just to name a few. This is officially entering the bucket list as something I must see filmed live!

    4. I went to my first Yankees game of the season with Mr. Miller and friends! I've been to a Yankee game every year since I've lived here. And by a game every year, I mean several each season.

    5. I started liking the Yankees because of a MINOR teenage crush on Derek Jeter. I'm not ashamed; he's a great athlete! I come from a Boston Red Sox Family. My love was strong. 
    Note: I tried to get rid of my awful Friday tan lines...I don't think it worked :-(

    Back to our regularly scheduled blogging next week! I wanted to finish my NYC Running Routes series with the West Side Highway, but having friends in town really puts a hamper on regularly scheduled running! So, in case you missed it, catch up on the NYC Running Routes series: East River Path, Queensboro Bridge, and NYC Beaches

    Coming up this week:
    - Glad Game Monday, of COURSE! Return to work after spring break...eek.
    - West Side Highway Running Route review!
    - A New series on beginning running! Start thinking experienced runners, there are a lot of people out there telling me they want to tips etc, so let's help them out!

    How was your weekend!? Congrats to all who ran the More! Fitness Women's half marathon!!! You had a hot day and powered through! TELL ME ABOUT IT!


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. WOhooo thanks for passing the award to me :)
      I heart derek jeter. I was raised a yankee fan, he was an added bonus. However, I've become a Padre's fan, and I suspect when Derek retires, I'll become only a Padres fan instead of splitting my love half & half. I'm glad you had a great spring break!


    Have something on your mind? Type it out!