Yes, it's true, NYC public schools had a SNOW DAY! We found out the day before at about 11am. AMAZING feelings of joy! Work Tuesday became so much more doable, and a day off was an answer to LOTS of prayers. I made sure to make the day count.
In good faith, after a WONDERFUL pedicure with my friends Alyssa and Carly, I went to the gym to work out. It. Was. Closed. Really?! REALLY. In a neighborhood where a large majority WALK everywhere?! I had such good intentions. Instead, I was cold and annoyed with the lack of snow removal on the sidewalks. Instead, we cleaned up, dishes and living room, and watched Couples Retreat. Funny. Clever. We're going to the Bahamas, it felt appropriate.
I ran today because my yoga club was cancelled due to next week being vacation (EEK!). I did 6 miles. 3 miles outside, but it was getting dark, so I had to head into the gym to the treadmill. Read some good people magazine. Carney Wilson: GET A GRIP. Poor lady, but come on! Which leads to a question. Even though I don't think I have that many readers...
What do you do for running in the winter? How cold is too cold to run?
I've been doing it to about 30 degrees, but the snow has created a lot of water, which will freeze once the sun goes down. Long runs especially. I'm just treadmill/gym add I think. Oh well.
And I got shoes. New Shoes. Pictures to follow.
For one...only 2 more days til your trip!!! How exciting.
As far as running outside...I've run in the single digits. As long as you're dressed appropriately and there's no ice to speak of, you can get out there. When it's that cold, I wear a face mask, look like I'm going to break in your house, but hey...what can I say? They don't make pink face masks that I'm aware of!
This winter has been sooo different though, with ALL the snow and my ankle injury...I haven't done ANY outside running. It makes me sad...as I love getting outside, there is so much calm to running outside.
Okay, enough. Have a great vacation. Run on the beach for me. I want to see pics!
Once upon a time 30*F was the cutoff. But I trained for the 16 miler in all weather ("it could be like this on race day!") and realized I could deal with the cold, though wind and ice/snow can get pretty miserable. With snow/ice still sitting unplowed/unshoveled on the roads/sidewalks, (and bc I need the strength training) I've been doing more indoor workouts. Generally though I'll run through almost anything. But you know this. :-)
Have fun in the Bahamas!
Hey there! I used to only run if it was 40 or above, but when I've been out with my fleece hat, gloves and layers 30-32 really isn't bad. It's only bad if there is a windchill, but with the sun shining and low 30s it's all good!
30 degrees during the day is perfect for running outside. After dark, go to the gym. Noone needs a broken ankle from black ice. Ouch.
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