Sunday, November 18, 2012

Philly Marathon: I am a finisher

I am a two time marathoner! I did not meet goal A, B, or C. I pr'd by two minutes, so I'll take it! 5:08:xx. Race recap to come!

Thanks to all my friends, family, and bloggy/twitter friends for your support and encouragement!!! Congratulations to all the finishers out there. You did it. Time does not define you, finishing what you started does.


Lauren said...

Congratulations!! No matter what, a marathon finish AND a new PR are both something to be incredibly proud of. Hope you're celebrating today.

..:danielle:.. said...


Kimberly Hoban, R.D. said...

You're amazing no matter how fast you run! And hello, shiny new PR! :) Congrats! Let's celebrate soon!

Suz and Allan said...

Congratulations on your PR!

Running In Boise said...

Yay! Congrats!