Yes! It's that time again!!! GLAD GAME MONDAY! I'm sure we all have TONS to be glad about on this first day of the week. This edition will be short and sweet; I'm tired, it's late, and I want to wake up for an early morning workout. I won't mention how I stayed late at work for a meeting they forgot to mention was cancelled, or how I didn't fit my run in because of laundry, or how my 5am wake up skills have deteriorated due to nice weather afternoon running. NO. It is Glad Game Monday...I WILL BE GLAD!
I am glad that two friends committed their lives to each other in a beautiful ceremony:
I am glad that Mr. Miller and I got a cute kissy photo:

I am also glad that we're going on a marriage retreat this weekend with our church. I'm looking forward to relaxing and learning how to love him more. He's so cute. Blush.
I am glad for friends. We don't have to do much at all and still have a great time. Cancun, here we come Mrs. Slafter, Mrs. Anders, Myself, and Mrs. Gray!

NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! Glad it up! What are you glad about? TELL ME ABOUT IT!
Running and Cross training my way because it's...
15 days until Cancun and Winter Polka Dot Bikini!!!
46 Days until the 13.1 NYC half marathon!!!
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