I ran 8 miles after driving to CT. I wore my running clothes or the car ride in order to ensure that there would be NO DELAY to get my run on. Thankfully, it worked. I was going to do 7. Then I was feeling good so I opted for 8, because 8 miles has a nice ring to it. I love running in a country setting! I averaged 9:50/miles. This is very impressive for short legged me. I kept thinking my pace was slowing, and every time I looked I was between 9:06-10:18 (Got to love Garmin times...). This run made me smile. It made me think that a sub 5 hour marathon could happen in the future. It's also my longest run since the marathon!
A lot of people bounce back from marathons like pro's. I, on the other hand, took rest very seriously. I had, and still have, a cracking hip which I am in the process of getting looked at. I also had a southern birthday party/marathon celebration, got sick with a nasty infection plus missed my favorite race, had a death in the family, and the holidays...oh the holidays...so yea, my running life came to a halt for almost a month. I am loving this feeling of consistency, building up mileage, and I can't wait to bust out double digits again; especially my favorite distance: 10 miles.
Seen while running: Horsies. Love this. So picturesque. Everything was like an Ansel Adams photo, overcast and windy. I even experienced a FREAK snow flurry blast for 60 seconds....it was 45 degrees out?!?! Love this winter. I could still use a snow day after break...
I was trying to get a picture of my cool shirt, which turned into a game of "Where's Lambeau?" Can you find him?!
More to come from CT.
What do you train like? TELL ME ABOUT IT! Train like a finisher.
Check out my friend's Etsy site: Bouncing Blossoms is AWESOME! She's giving away an apron! Also, Bouncing Blossoms is a company that is a World Vision Child sponsor!!! Charity PLUS creativity! Bouncing Blossoms also does customs orders, it is amazing what my friend comes up with!!! CHECK IT. She's a genius.
Running and Cross training my way because it's...
3 days until Cancun and Winter Polka Dot Bikini!!!
31Days until the 13.1 NYC half marathon!!!...5 weeks!
Have fun!!
Hey...i live in shoreham Long island...but grew up in Ky...
I loved coming across your blog...
I too have a passion for running...and my family are HUGE green Bay packer fans...so i love your dog's name:)
I am currently recovery from hip surgery...but am hoping to run NYC in November. we'll see how thing play out. i'm a new folloer of yours and a newbie blogger myself...looking forward to reading more about you!
LOL...Thanks for your comment on my blog...I appreciate it!
I am also a teacher...special ed in elementary...lots in common:)
woo hoo, great run! I have no doubts you'll get that sub 5 marathon. I'm so excited for you to go on your trip. you deserve it!
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