Cancun Picture 1: Note: the polka dot bikini is making its itsy bitsy teeny weeny appearance.
I am an average runner. If I have stomach issues, I may or may not run. If I'm on vacation, I may or may not run. If I'm exhausted, I may or may not run.
Cancun Picture 2: I miss sun lounging.
I am an average runner. I don't seek weekly races. I don't seek monthly races. I don't seek races I can place in. I don't seek superior swag bags.
I am a lover of running.
I am human.
I am tired.
I am susceptible.
I am strong.
I am committed.
I am determined.
I am a finisher.
I have been having a rough running week. Tomorrow at 5am, that rough running week will end.
Ever had "just one of those weeks"? TELL ME ABOUT IT.
23 Days until the 13.1NYC Half Marathon!!!
I had one of those 3 months! Now I'm forced to get back to running. Going for a long run in Central Park on Sunday with a friend if you'd like to join us! Love your Cancun pics (and all the cute outfits)- you look beautiful!
I have those days every now and then.... but TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY!!!
plus, sometimes our bodies just NEED extra rest!
Yep! Totally an average runner here! I think that's why a marathon is so daunting for me...the time commitment!
So glad Cancun was awesome :)
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