Friday, May 2, 2008


Alright folks, I've been talking about it to some of you, so here it is!

Tired of those extra winter pounds? Want to wake up from hibernation? Think your life could get a little healthier? Then this is the blog for you!

The *May*keover is a plan I have devised to get in shape for the summer months during the month of May. Getting into better shape is the best thing you can do BEFORE summer, not during!!! By the time you get to where you want to be, bathing suit season is over and you're throwing on sweatshirts! Follow these rules and we will join each other in blogland to track results!

Rule 1: Get the book "Eat This, Not That" it revolutionized eating out and grocery shopping for me, it's a small book, full of color pictures, listing the best things to eat from restaurants to the grocery store, to Starbucks and holidays!

Rule 2: DON'T EAT FAST FOOD. Avoid eating fast food at all costs. Pack a lunch. It'll save you time and money.

Rule 3: No sweets except fruit. Start putting down the ice cream and make yourself a smoothie! The best is nonfat yogurt, strawberries and bananas!

Rule 4: EXERCISE. If you already do, step up your workouts. Include a variety of weights and cardio. HAVE AN ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER: it doesn't have to be someone you actually work out with. I'm not a codependent runner or exerciser, but when I know I have to text someone to tell them how much I ran etc, it makes me motivated to get it done and do more!

Rule 5: Take the stairs. Avoid elevators and escalators. Walk and bike where you can.

Rule 6: Add COLOR to your meals. Make sure there is a healthy serving of vegtables and fruits consistently in your diet.

Rule 7: No alcohol. For those of you who swing that way, the calories are crazy! That's where the "freshman 15" originated.

Rule 8: Drink water and tea. Coffee is definitely allowed, but watch out for the milk based drinks and adding tons of sugar. Juices and soda can really hurt your diet as well. Diet is the way to go!

Alright boys and girls, anything else you can think of, suggest it. I've started as of yesterday but couldn't get the blog up till today.

Get ready for your *May*keover!!!


Rachel said...

Yay! Kristin Ann gave in to blogspot!! Now I have another blogger friend to add to my page. Keep it up girlie! I loved reading the blogs on are such a good writer. Talk to you soon!

Anna said...

It's about've been spying long enough! It was so great to see you & Brian for a little last week! We loved it. Maykeover sounds good...I think that I'm going to try it, but I have to modify a little to make sure I'm getting enough fat calories for the babeh...hmmm...

Sarah said...

Hey girl glad to see you joined! Way to go for the maykover! I love it we are very strict we food around here I shop at Trader Joes and only eat organic but I would love to check out that book, also to boost your diet try adding in grapefruit they help any water weight that we women hold onto! Good luck keep me updated