It was a RAINY day. I woke up at 5am to COLD temps, wind and cold rain. I opted to stay in bed for an extra hour. My throat has been obnoxiously scratchy, and I'm venturing to say it's allergies. Regardless, going into the cold and being wet does not bode well when I'm coughing and feeling nauseous from post nasal drip (TMI? Nah. Real life.). Then, the unthinkable happened: Mr. Miller's alarm was on SILENT, so I woke up, startled and flustered, at 6:42am....42 minutes past my normal wake up! Thankfully, after a series of crazy events, my carpool buddy and I showed up to work with 20 minutes to spare. God is good.
I found my running jacket Christmas gift! Mr. Miller had a mysterious half a bag of clean laundry hidden on his side of the bed. It held so many treasures! My favorite sweatshirt, my favorite long sweater, and this beauty from my Miller-In-Laws! The pockets zip shut...hands down the best feature! Keys! Gu! Even my fuel belt water bottle! Win win all around. I also HAD to wear my Finisher hat today a) because it was drizzling and b) OBVIOUSLY because I got that fabulous piece of mail today. I really don't like this picture. Mr. Miller needs to stand up for photo taking from now on!!!
How's your running weather? TELL ME ABOUT IT! We went from 60 degrees last Saturday to nasty 45, cold and raining today. 30's are the high this weekend. Bring it on winter running, bring it on.
Running and Cross training my way because it's...
40 days until Cancun and Winter Polka Dot Bikini!!!
71 Days until the 13.1 NYC half marathon!!!
Congrats on the official finisher certificate! Are you going to frame it??? :)
It just snowed a ton in Chicago, so it's back to the treadmill for me!
loving your blog :)
-your newest follower
Sure hope you are going to frame that certificate!! It deserves a place on your wall!
Nice running sweater! Glad you found it.
So exciting getting your certificate! What a great way to brighten your day :)
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